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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:30 - What exactly is “written” on the human heart?
  • 11:35 - What can Eucharistic miracles tell us about Jesus’ blood type and other physical features?
  • 14:27 - Is it true that the 12 Days of Christmas was used as Catholic catechism song when the Church was being persecuted by Henry VIII and Elizabeth I?
  • 18:04 - What is the Church’s stance with swearing with your hand on the Bible with respect to Matthew’s gospel?
  • 21:17 - Why do Catholics address priests as ‘father’?
  • 27:54 - While meditating on the Joyful Mystery of the Finding in the Temple, it’s hard to know how to think of this story. Joseph and Mary asked why did you do that, but we know that Jesus was sinless. How do we understand this from the viewpoint of an earthly family dynamic?
  • 33:57 - How did Latin become the official language of the Church?
  • 43:16 - Most religions take the stance against sexual immorality, yet in the Bible, Abraham had relations and a child with the maid servant. If this is true, why would Abraham be so highly regarded?
  • 48:15 - The Gospel and homily are often delivered by a deacon at Sunday Mass. I thought only ordained priests can read the gospel and deliver the sermon. I never saw this practice until I immigrated to this country. Is this a valid Mass?
  • 51:47 - What is the Church’s position on organ donation?
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