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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered: 

  • 03:11 - Is going to a Christian university a bad thing if I am Catholic and expected to attend their services?
  • 06:56 - What if your parent’s wishes for burial go against Catholic teaching? My mother wants to be cremated. What am I to do?
  • 12:44 - In the Old Testament, did God command the Israelites to stone people who did not follow the 10 Commandments?
  • 17:30 - Should altar servers kneel during the Eucharistic prayer and is there evidence in the papal document?
  • 20:55 - I heard once on the show that the only way to get to Heaven is the Grace of God. What does a person have to do that would warrant eternal damnation? It doesn’t seem any action could be that bad that it would deserve such an awful punishment.
  • 30:36 - It troubles me to think that a Muslim friend of mine would go to hell for not believing in God the same way that Christians do. Can you help me with this idea?
  • 46:50 - If two Catholics want to get married but do not want children, should they still get married?
  • 48:44 - I was raised Protestant and I am currently in RCIA. How do I balance sharing the truth with my younger siblings without disrespecting my parents? My parents are refusing to come to my wedding. Is this reason to seek being married outside the Catholic Church?
  • 53:12 - With tomorrow being a holy day of obligation, are we to abstain from working as we do on Sundays?


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