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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:43 - Why is it that a sacramental marriage is not insoluble until it has been consummated?
  • 07:16 - When they say the “sacrifice of the Mass”, are we still sacrificing for our sins? Don’t we believe Christ finished the need for sacrifices on the cross?
  • 17:02 - What is the Church’s stance on in vitro fertilization?
  • 21:24 - Is a Catholic belief that only Catholics go to Heaven?
  • 28:09 - I know that in both Aramaic and Hebrew the word “Amen” is written and pronounced as “ah-men”. Why is it that you often hear it pronounced “ay-men”? It is an important word in worship and I wonder why it is not always pronounced as it originated.
  • 41:40 - When I pray, who should I be praying to, God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit? Aren’t they all one?
  • 45:05 - Could you break down how the Church is an infallible authority when it comes to determining what is considered sacred scripture?
  • 49:28 - There is a book called The Lamb by Christopher Moore. It is about Jesus’ life before his ministry started. It doesn’t seem like something a Christian should be reading. I am wondering what your opinion is on such a book?
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