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Open Forum

Tom Nash

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 12:33 - I’m in RCIA. I’m living with my ex-girlfriend and we have a child together and five other children from other relationships. My ex-girlfriend is open to RCIA but not really interested. How should I move forward? Should I separate from her or try to get married?
  • 19:17 - I know the Church teaches that we can’t act on our homosexual feelings. What are our options? Do we have to live a celibate life or someone of the opposite sex?
  • 29:59 - I have made up a sign-language for my girls club. Is it okay to spell holy words backwards, like God, angel, saint?
  • 35:34 - Before Jesus, where did the people go after they died?
  • 41:43 - How could Mary and Elizabeth be cousins when Mary was descended from the tribe of Judah and Elizabeth was from Levi?
  • 46:36 - Is it wrong to want to limit the amount of Muslims we let into our country in order to keep American Christian majority?
  • 51:36 - I’m not able to make it to Mass this Christmas because I’m 15 years old and can’t drive and my parents won’t take me to Mass. Is there something I need to do to keep that day holy?

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