Trent Horn talks about his new book The Case for Catholicism and answers questions on classic and contemporary protestant objections.
Questions Covered:
- 06:11 - Are schismatic teachings considered “illegal” in the Catholic Church? If they are illegal, how are Baptists considered Christians in the eyes of the Catholic Church?
- 15:58 - Why can a Protestant not use the Spiral Argument to establish their authority like Catholicism does to establish their authority?
- 30:26 - My parents are non-Catholic and I would like to defend the Catholic faith and know how to answer their arguments once the discussion begins. How should I proceed?
- 34:40 - What actually caused the initial Schism that lead the Greek Orthodox Church to split and is there any possibility that they will come back into full communion with the Church?
- 45:30 - How do you know that the authority of Peter specifically passed on to subsequent popes?
- 49:00 - Can you explain the difference between transubstantiation and consubstantiation?
- 53:25 - I have recently been asked how could the Catholic Church condone Indulgences that say they will take off a certain amount of time of Purgatory. How do I defend Indulgences to those outside the Catholic Church?
Resources Mentioned:
- The Case for Catholicism: Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections by Trent Horn
- The Three Secrets To Sharing The Faith by Trent Horn
- Navigating The Tiber: How To Help Your Friends And Family Journey Towards The Catholic Faith by Devin Rose
- Why We’re Catholic: Our Reasons For Faith, Hope, And Love by Trent Horn
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