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We focus on pastoral concerns, but welcome any question callers would like to ask a Catholic priest as we are joined by the Chaplain for Catholic Answers, Norbertine Father Hugh Barbour.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:57 - What advice can you give a Catholic couple when the wife has no respect for her husband?
  • 08:18 - My friend was was married 3 times and is now gay and “married” to her partner. Could I ever stay overnight at her house as a friend?
  • 20:57 - If a priest does something wrong, does God curse him? Malachi states “I will send a curse upon you, and of your blessing I will make a curse.” Can you clarify this for me?
  • 28:48 - A priest advised me to return to my former spouse after an annulment has been granted. My former spouse was abusive. I have since remarried. My husband does not want me to associate with that priest. Should I contact the diocese?
  • 34:18 - Is it possible to see an angel in a dream?
  • 36:25 - As a practicing Catholic, can I be a godparent to my nephew at his Lutheran baptism?
  • 39:25 - For several years, a nun at my parish who is in charge of adult formation has treated me badly. How can I handle this situation?
  • 45:55 - A female friend who I’ve known for a long time has terminal cancer, maybe a year to live. Her 7 yr. old daughter is also ill. She is not spiritual. How can I speak with her regarding her situation and bring the spiritual reality into the conversation?
  • 52:49 - My brother is in a gay “marriage”. When the family gets together at Thanksgiving, he wants to have a celebration for his “marriage”, what can I do?
  • 49:21 - I am a Presbyterian, but I have a profound respect for the Catholic religion. Why can’t all the Christian religions just get along?



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