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Mary and the Modern Woman

Theologian Carrie Gress helps us to understand why the modern idea of womanhood often ends up being anti-woman, and why Mary can help us recover a true image of womanhood.

Questions Covered:

  • 21:52 - I did Catechesis with my 17 year old daughter at home and it didn’t take. She doesn’t go to Church much. I always confess to my priest that I wasn’t a very good Catholic educator. Should I continue to confess because I didn’t form my daughter well?
  • 28:00 - Did the Fathers talk about the woman in Proverbs 31 as a type of Mary?
  • 33:41 - Why don’t we have nuns like we used to? Why have they been deemphasized?
  • 41:55 - Can you  expound on the Priest who gave you marriage advice? 
  • 45:30 - Was there ever a movement that recognized that not only should we apologize to Christ for our sins, but also to Mary for the indignities she’s suffered because of our sins?
  • 51:05 - What did some of the earliest Christians say about Mary and her queenship, motherhood, and her intercession?

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