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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 14:23 - In Matthew 16:19, we read about binding and loosing authority. My evangelical friend believes this passage to be in reference to spiritual authority over the spirits and that all Christians have this authority. Can you give me the Catholic response to this idea?
  • 22:26 - What is the heresy of Americanism?
  • 30:40 - My friend said true faith will necessarily bring about good works. He puts emphasis on the word “true”. Is there a concept of “true faith” in the Bible, or is it “faith” that brings about good works?
  • 36:57 - Is all suffering in life temporal punishment?
  • 45:10 - I read Jimmy’s article, “A Tiptoe through TULIP” where he said it’s okay for a Catholic to hold the position of unconditional election. I don’t see how you can logically say God gives us unconditional election, and yet that we also have free will. Can you explain this to me?
  • 51:50 - Do you think that the printing press had any influence on Luther’s idea of sola scriptura?

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