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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:55 - Jesus said he and the father are one. Why then would he call out, “My God, why have you forsaken me” on the cross?
  • 13:15 - It seems we cannot say anything against homosexuality without being seen as hateful. Jesus told us to love our neighbor, and it seems loving them would include preventing them from harming themselves or others. Do we have a rebuttal for those who accuse us of being hateful?
  • 19:45 - After you go to confession, your sins that have been forgiven still have an effect. How long does this effect last, and what does that entail?
  • 29:15 - Sometimes at communion, I do not take from the chalice for personal reasons, such as if it is flu season. Is this okay or is this a sin?
  • 34:00 - Why isn’t the Church run by apostles and prophets today like it was in the New Testament?
  • 41:10 - What is the significance of the filioque? I’m becoming a Byzantine rite Catholic and the Orthodox Church has told me they have an issue with it.
  • 48:50 - I heard a story on public radio about Paul having apocalyptic eschatology. What is the Catholic thought on this?

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