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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 08:00 - In Luke, the Greek word for “virgin” is “Parthenon”, which is also the word for a temple. Can you elaborate on the origins of the word and the use of it in Greek?
  • 15:14 - If the pope were to teach something that he didn’t have the authority to teach, who has the authority to tell him he does not have the authority?
  • 21:45 - I’ve come across images of Anglican and Lutheran priests celebrating Mass ad orientem. Do they do this to preserve their Catholic heritage?
  • 30:40 - Many exorcists say the Harry Potter series is demonic. I was hoping you could give me your opinion on the book series.
  • 35:55 - How can we charitably address Catholics who may be concerned with recent events, such as the Pope’s remarks on the doctrine of whether capital punishment is intrinsically evil?
  • 44:05 - My family and I are Protestant. I’d like to become Catholic, but my parents are strongly against it. How can I convert while still honoring my parents, as we are called to do?
  • 50:15 - A priest told me that people can only go to Heaven, purgatory or hell. He stated perhaps some ghosts are demons and others are souls from purgatory soliciting our prayers. Is this the Catholic teaching, or was he giving me his opinion?

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