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We focus on pastoral concerns but welcome any question callers would like to ask a Catholic priest as we are joined by the Catholic Answers chaplain, Norbertine Father Hugh Barbour.

Questions Covered:

  • 07:09 - After the reading in daily Christian Prayer, there are three responses, why on the third response do you only say “Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit” instead of the complete prayer?
  • 14:00 - Is it permissible to use smoking to control physical temptation?
  • 17:30 - I was visiting a parish in Minneapolis, and the priest never says the Gloria at Sunday Mass and one time he had a female Lutheran pastor concelebrate Mass up to the Eucharistic Prayer. She then joined her family and she and the Protestant choir she brought with her received Holy Communion. Is this permitted? Should I say something?
  • 23:30 - If God gave Adam and Eve the first chance to give sinless life to man on earth, were Joseph and Mary the second chance to give life to a perfect person? Did God send Jesus to make right what Adam and Eve made wrong?
  • 29:04 - In the Liturgy of the Hours, why are there two vespers on Sunday?
  • 30:33 - Can you give me words of encouragement and a blessing that the Holy Spirit might use me to help my nephew?
  • 34:12 - Why have we been lied to regarding the changing of the Latin Mass to English?
  • 42:21 - If I am in mortal sin, will my prayers for the souls in purgatory be answered?
  • 45:47 - I used to pray every morning for an hour and cannot do it anymore due to family issues, and now I miss days and this is very disturbing to me. I pray all day long on the fly. I’m worried that I’m backsliding in my spiritual life.
  • 51:29 - Are there special prayers that a man can offer before his wedding in the Catholic tradition?

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