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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:10 - Do we have a requirement to believe in everything stated in an encyclical? Is there a formal process in the Church for when the pope has a teaching and there is disagreement among the clergy as to its validity?
  • 07:45 - We have a Eucharistic minister that says, “Receive the blood of Christ”. Is this okay?
  • 15:49 - My history textbook claims the Jews got their monotheistic religion from either Babylon or Egypt. How can I respond to this idea?
  • 18:25 - My mother is very anti-religion and says no one should place their values on someone else. She thinks no values is best and has no value on human life. How can I respond to her?
  • 22:49 - The Bible says man will die if he eats of the fruit. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that woman will die. Is this the reason why Catholics honor Mary?
  • 28:58 - Was Catholicism the very first religion?
  • 31:38 - When I went to communion they said, “receive what you are. The body of Christ”. Did I commit a sin? Is this a valid communion?
  • 33:31 - I’m a Protestant and like to hear of bridges that Catholics and Protestants can use to minister together. I’d like to get your perspective on where we can unite for the gospel, as well as where union would not be possible.
  • 40:52 - Why are some traditions practiced differently among countries? Some countries have big Easter processions in the street and you don’t see that here in the United States.
  • 46:21 - Is it best for an infant to not be baptized if the parents do not practice the faith and the child will not be taught about the faith?
  • 49:34 - I’m trying to become a Catholic, but my parents aren’t allowing me. My mom is Protestant and my father is atheist. Is it okay for me to go to church with my grandmother, who is protestant, in the meantime?
  • 51:07 - I once heard “do this in memory of me” has the true translation of “in memorium” which makes Jesus present among us. Do you know which theologian stated this? I often use this as an argument to my Protestant friends but don’t know where this idea originated.

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