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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:30 - Is it possible for lust that is committed in your mind to be a mortal sin?
  • 05:40 - Pope Francis said that the death penalty is no longer allowed to be used. Pope Benedict stated that in certain circumstances it is allowed. What is the Church’s official stance?
  • 13:53 - Can a moral Atheist go to heaven?
  • 16:32 - My son said that he prays two hours a day because that is the time he allows for it. He wanted my opinion as to if that was too much or too little. How should I respond?
  • 19:22 - Is it okay to engage a Jehovah’s Witness or another religious group when they come to my door?
  • 22:58 - Is there ever a justifiable anger or is it always sinful?
  • 33:15 - I went to a conference where the speaker said that the Catholic Church kept track of the muslims killed during the Crusades because they paid the soldiers per kill and that they would need to report those kills. Is this true?
  • 37:05 - Opponents of Vatican II say the Church has been hemorrhaging members since Vatican II and the Ordinary Mass. Is this true?
  • 43:10 - Are there basic requirements to be anointed when there’s an anointing of the sick? I saw about half or more of the Chapel get in line for the anointing. From pre-teen to elderly. I can understand the elderly, as well as if someone has a disease or going to surgery. It appeared that many looked fine.
  • 49:22 - When I fast do I start when I wake up and end at midnight? Is it still considered fasting if you have one meal during the day but give up everything else?
  • 52:57 - Is guided imagery a hypnotic thing? Is it okay to experience to this?

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