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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 01:30 - Can I use 2 Thessalonians 2:15 to refute sola scriptura?
  • 07:04 - Is St. Augustine’s book Confessions the one where he goes on and on about time?
  • 08:13 - Can you clarify St. James Apocrypha on the Blessed Virgin’s childhood, the betrothal to Joseph, and birth of Jesus?
  • 18:09 - I’ve heard people explain the differences between the Protestant and Catholic faith by focusing only on their historical roots, but wouldn’t it be better to point out that the major difference between the two is that Catholics believe in the Eucharist?
  • 23:12 - How can I explain to my mother-in-law that it’s not appropriate for our kids to go spend the night at her house because she lives with her boyfriend?
  • 29:17 - What would have happened if Adam had refused to eat the apple?
  • 31:10 - What is the context of 1 Tim 2:11-12? Is Paul telling women that they shouldn’t teach men?
  • 40:38 - Why doesn’t doesn’t the Church practice full submersion baptism? Did they ever do this?
  • 45:00 - What is the main problem that the Church has with Jehovah’s Witnesses?
  • 48:17 - Do you have to fast one hour before Mass begins or before receiving communion. If you fail to do this, is it a venial or mortal sin? What are the origins of fasting before Mass?
  • 51:25 - Last hour a caller asked about transgender people, but what is the Catholic view on people who have Jacobson’s disease?





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