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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 05:35 - The New Testament mentions many times Jesus exorcising demons. Is it very common to have the presence of demons in people?
  • 12:52 - What is a devotion and why are there so many devotions to all these different versions of Mary?
  • 16:23 - Call no one Father. What did this mean?
  • 23:11 - Did Jesus suffer the most pain of anyone on earth?
  • 31:50 - In Romans 8:30 it sounds like all who are called will be saved. How do we reconcile this verse?
  • 41:35 - What is the stance on the Bible being 100 percent literal or if only certain aspects are meant to be taken that way? How can you tell the difference?
  • 47:16 - I am going through RCIA and no one can answer my questions about why Tradition is regarded at the same level as Scripture. Can you please explain?
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