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Your Spiritual Life

Father Vincent Serpa takes questions of a pastoral nature in this hour devoted to the care of souls, growth in the spiritual life, and healthy relationships.

Questions Covered:

  • 14:21 - Can a priest interrupt your confession and give you absolution without hearing your whole confession?
  • 16:53 - A friend has terminal cancer and has started using medical marijuana. Is this a sin?
  • 19:19 - Why don’t some priests take time to talk with people when they come to them in time of distress?
  • 27:25 - When I pray, I pray to the Trinity but is there a female component to the Godhead that the Church is missing in its understanding?
  • 34:05 - Am I in mortal sin? If so what do I do? I was married in the Catholic Church. Divorced and remarried without an annulment. Now I am divorced again.
  • 40:05 - I conceived my daughter out of wedlock and a Catholic psychologist said that my daughter was doubly cursed because she was conceived out of lust. Is that true?
  • 43:45 - A visiting priest conducted a healing Mass at our parish. I looked him up online and found he denies purgatory and teaches “faith alone.” What can I do about this?
  • 45:40 - I’m a Catholic. I got married in a Hindu temple but am now divorced. Can I receive communion now?
  • 47:57 - My wife was baptized Catholic but is now Christian. How do I approach the topic of her returning to the faith?
  • 50:59 - I’m entering my first diaconate year which is focused on discernment. Do you have any advice?
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