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Arguments for (and Against) the Existence of God

Apologist and author Trent Horn tackles tough questions, and offers philosophical insights into the argument about whether or not God exists.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:59 - Can we discuss the argument from contingency?
  • 11:56 - A person (agnostic) asked me this question, “If a loving God is not giving us a perfect free will (we do not have true free will because it has been compromised by sin), therefore if there is a God, isn’t he flawed?”
  • 15:12 - I teach 8th grade religion and we are about to jump into the problem of evil. Can you comment on the moral argument for the existence of God and the problem of evil?
  • 18:38 - What if the whole heaven story is something we made up to help us through the tough times?
  • 27:36 - I understand suffering from the standpoint of when other people cause the suffering, but what about natural disasters that God controls? I don’t understand that kind of suffering.
  • 36:30 - How does the modern state of particle physics or a universal energy field support an argument for God or against God’s existence?
  • 42:54 - I had an atheist ask me where is this heaven with all the times they went out in space.
  • 46:09 - It is my view that the universe and big bang could be self existent.

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