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Why We’re Catholic

Apologist and author Trent Horn shares insights into Catholic belief, helping callers grasp why we believe what we believe on a range of topics.

Questions Covered:

  • 10:53 - I left the Catholic Church when I was 15, but my struggle with rejoining is my understanding of the Eucharist. The teaching of Catholic Church sounds like idolatry.
  • 18:06 - There’s lots stuff stirring up on social media about the end of time. Does this have to do with anything in the book of Revelations?
  • 27:30 - Why does it seem that the Catholic Church is always changing their traditions?
  • 33:13 - How does the Sacrament of Baptism relate to how the Anabaptists see baptism and their view of multiple baptisms?
  • 35:33 - How could Satan have possibly rejected God?
  • 42:25 -  God said, “Thou shall not kill.” What does God think of people in the military?
  • 45:47 - If you’re dating somebody from a Protestant background, how does it work to marry them? Is that even possible?
  • 51:44 - What degree of specificity in form and kind is necessary for a valid confession? Can I just say “sin against chastity” or does it need to be more specific?
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