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Pro-Life Open Forum

Ethical questions seem to multiply as medical science advances. Dr. George Delgado takes listener calls about the beginning and end of life and about the proper use of medical technology.

Questions Covered:

  • 08:07 - Why doesn’t the Catholic Church speak more strongly against abortion and call politicians out by name?
  • 15:51 - Are there any regulations on hospice care?
  • 22:15 - What do Catholics believe about a hysterectomy?
  • 29:05 - There seems to be a disconnect between what the Church teaches and what parishes preach. There will be information on the diocese website, but nothing in parishes, for example, with pro-life issues.
  • 35:45 - In a follow up, what sort of regulations do states have for hospices? My uncle recently died in hospice and this hospice wouldn’t give hydration or IV fluids.
  • 45:15 - A young lady got married at 18 years old and she and her husband didn’t want to have kids right away for financial reasons. She went to Planned Parenthood and got an injection two years ago, and hasn’t been able to conceive since. Can you explain why?
  • 49:10 - I have a question about organ harvesting. Are patients truly dead?


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