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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:08 - Why are we supposed to help illegal immigrants if they are breaking the law? I struggle with things Bishops have said regarding this.
  • 17:38 - Can you give a resource for hmy son-in-law who is a secular Jew? I’m looking for a book on Jesus.
  • 21:09 - I have a 20 year old brother who goes out partying every weekend and going down a bad path. My sister and mother and I have been praying a novena for him, but is there anything else we can do to help? He doesn’t want to hear anything.
  • 28:58 - My wife just divorced me without much of a reason. What can I do for the rest of my life? I know the church says I cannot remarry.
  • 36:45 - I grew up Buddhist but now I am catholic. Can non-Catholics go to Heaven?
  • 48:52 - In Matt. 27 when it says “let His blood be upon us and our children”, is that our blood too?

Resources Mentioned:

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