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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:08 - Matthew 23:2 says The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses seat. Now instead of Moses it is Peter.  Who sits on the seat of Peter?
  • 12:50 - Can you expand on abstaining from meat on Fridays? My Church does not do that. Is that okay that my parish does not recite the confiteor prayer?
  • 18:28 - My mother belongs to a sect that is supposedly in union with the Pope but they only provide a Latin Mass. My priest stated that I can attend Mass to fulfill my obligation, but that they cannot perform confession. What does this mean?
  • 28:49 - What is the Church’s stance on including autistic children in the sacraments?
  • 34:55 - Why is it that our bishops and priests never talk about poverty and the economic system?
  • 43:30 - In Matthew 9:30-31 Jesus heals two blind men and told them not to speak of it. Why would Jesus tell them to not speak of it and since they disobeyed him is that considered a sin?
  • 46:30 - What is the purpose in destination of the Catholic Church?
  • 47:37 - What is your perspective on the Catholic’s view on slavery? 
  • 52:00 - Why is salvation so difficult to understand?

Resources Mentioned:

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