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Portland’s archbishop joins us for a discussion of the Mass, its meaning, and what the laity are supposed to be doing while the Mass is being prayed.

Questions and Topics Covered:

  • 27:26 - Is listening carefully to the homily the most important thing we can do at Mass?
  • 30:25 - Why have most bishops not followed Pope Benedict’s Motu Proprio in allowing a “wide and generous” amount of priests to celebrate the Latin Mass? 
  • 36:49 - My teenage kids willingly attend Mass with me all the time, but they don’t say the responses. How much should I encourage them?
  • 43:42 - I agree that most people who attend Mass go out of tradition and not a relationship with our Lord. The more I know about the Mass the more I can have a relationship with Our Lord who is present in the Word, in the priest, and most importantly in the Blessed Sacrament.
  • 49:37 - In the Mass when the priest says “pray that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable” – how can we make the Mass our sacrifice?
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