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Why We’re Catholic

Apologist and author Trent Horn shares insights into Catholic belief, helping callers grasp why we believe what we believe on a range of topics.

Questions Covered:

  • 06:37 - Why does the Catholic Church have a teaching on Purgatory?
  • 12:35 - We gave a copy to my  agnostic brother-in-law skimmed through your book and said it’s more for Christians. He doesn’t really want to read it since he doesn’t see any importance to the topic. Where can I go from here with him?
  • 24:06 - Does the Catholic Church teach that if we pray hard enough or long enough, we get these supernatural powers like healing, seeing demons, praying in tongues, etc.?
  • 32:33 - Why did earlier saints scourge themselves?
  • 35:45 - Why don’t we celebrate the Jewish feasts? Are we moving in that direction?
  • 47:00 - My roommate is a Muslim and she says the Trinity is not in the Bible. How can I answer her?
  • 51:26 - How do non-Catholics get to Heaven if they don’t have the sacrament of Confession like we do?
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