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Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions

Both Catholics and Protestants call with questions for Karlo. Challenges range from whether all Christians are actually brothers and sisters, to whether Sacred Tradition is equal to the Bible.

Questions Covered:

  • 15:23 - How does the Catholic Church interpret the phrase “Born again”?
  • 21:05 - I am a convert, and I told one of my non-Catholic family members that Catholics have five books of the bible that Martin Luther took out. What is in those books and why did Luther take them out?
  • 33:07 - My son-in-law is a baptized Episcopalian and he is wondering how to enter the Church. Does he need to go through RCIA or can he be a part of the Anglican ordinariate from Pope Benedict?
  • 38:04 - I brought a protestant friend to Mass and when the priest said “pray that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable” he asked what is the sacrifice? Also, when exactly does the Holy Spirit over-shadow Mary? Immediately or a few days later?
  • 43:30 - I am protestant and Karlo has called us “brothers and sisters.” What evidence does he have to call us that or is he just being nice?
  • 51:57 - How does the idea of sola scriptura compare with Catholic Tradition?
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