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The sexual ethic of our time is not working. Far from liberating and ennobling humanity, it creates heartbreak and sorrow. Jason Evert stops by to discuss the Chastity option.

Questions Covered:

  • 13:16 - Can you tell me how to speak to young adults regarding chastity? Is there a difference in the language you use with young adults versus teenagers?
  • 17:38 - At our Catholic girl’s high school, one of the required reading books was very sexually explicit. How can I find a resource to give to our high school with good summer reading titles?
  • 29:15 - How do you talk to a non-Catholic boyfriend about chastity?
  • 33:32 - Do you have any recommendations for people who are unable to be in a relationship in reestablishing a healthy mindset?
  • 37:05 - My 18 yr. old daughter decided to go on birth control before going off to college against our morals and values. What can I do when she has that attitude without alienating our relationship with her? 
  • 43:56 - Do you have advice for parents in any of your books whose children might tell them that something bad has happened to them?
  • 48:30 - What are your thoughts on the feminisation of men in western society today?
  • 51:57 - What advice can you give to a young adult female who has grown up with a parent addicted to pornography?

Resources Mentioned:

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