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The Church in the News

Questions Covered:

  • 15:41 - How careful should a practicing Catholic be on their social media?
  • 18:53 - With Fr. Martin and several bishops saying we need to reach out to the homosexual community, what is the Church doing to reiterate the teaching of the Church?
  • 30:23 - My understanding is the pedophilia priest problem was small percentage. What’s the true nature of the problem?
  • 35:46 - Why is it so difficult to change the people in power in the Vatican? Why can’t they clean house?
  • 41:53 - Why the blame always on Church morality and teaching, when the failing is with homosexual practice?
  • 47:30 - La Civilta Cattolica recently had an article on American Catholics and evangelicals which basically condemned the religious right in a very unsophisticated way. They don’t seem to understand American society and politics. What’s going on?
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