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Why Are You Pro-Choice?

Trent Horn discusses the issue of abortion and invites pro-choice listeners to explain why they are pro-choice.

Questions and Topics Covered:

  • 14:20 - I’m pro-choice because I don’t want the government telling me how many kids I can and can’t have.
  • 18:59 - In regards to an unborn baby that is going to have special needs, shouldn’t women be allowed to make that choice for themselves instead of men in their place?
  • 28:46 - I’m pro-choice because I’m not a Catholic, I’m a liberal Protestant.
  • 36:07 - I’m pro-life, but I still think that the choice should be left up to the man, woman, and God.
  • 46:40 - A lot of people consider me pro-choice because I believe it’s up to the couple and the doctor, not politicians.
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