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Open Forum

Tom Nash

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

01:25 - How does doomsday reconcile with God promising not to destroy the earth again?

13:57 - I was talking to a protestant friend who leads a bible study, and she teaches that the early church fathers taught about the rapture. Is this true?

22:33 - Are Protestants going to go to Purgatory?

29:35 - Can I attend a Jehovah Witness wedding? 

32:13 - My girlfriend is confused with the stances of different bishops that seem to oppose each other regarding communion. How can I explain this?

42:05 - Is speaking in tongues and the charismatic movement compatible with scripture and the Catholic Church?

47:40 - If you don’t have something to confess, can you still go to confession?

50:40 - My Episcopalian friend went to a funeral and wasn’t able to receive communion. Why is our communion closed when we both believe in the Real Presence and have a priesthood?


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