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Father Vincent Serpa, Chaplain at Catholic Answers, takes questions of a pastoral nature in this hour devoted to the care of souls, growth in the spiritual life, and healthy relationships.

Questions Covered:

  • 05:51 - Is wearing nice shorts to Mass during the week permissible?
  • 11:59 - I need direction in my marriage and ways to cope with my wife who is going through counseling for sexual addiction.
  • 17:58 - Is Anxiety a spiritual thing that we can control or something else, what are your thoughts?
  • 27:39 - About dress code, did the Orlando conference come up a good standard on proper dress for Mass?
  • 31:23 - I’m a former Catholic, and I had a bad experience at my old parish. I got a lot of flak for the noise my autistic son made. How can I reconcile this?
  • 34:03 - A bishop in Wisconsin had homosexual people coming to his Mass; he said it was good to embrace people, but what about them receiving the Eucharist?
  • 42:00 - I’ve being trying to understand the traditionalist movement, I need help reconciling some of these with keeping a vigorous faith life.
  • 49:55 - At what point do I jump into the Catholic Church?

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