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Truth and Tolerance

Is it intolerant to share the truth, and to insist that the truth has a claim on all people? Apologist Karlo Broussard takes calls on the claim that Catholics are intolerant and much more.

Questions Covered:

  • 15:52 - I’ve been in discussions with people about sexuality and how the Church is intolerant because it doesn’t allow active gay people to receive the Eucharist but it allows divorced people to receive.  What do I say to this?
  • 19:42 - What is the difference between fideism and rationalism?
  • 31:38 - A priest said to my parish that Islam is violent religion. Is this true or intolerant?
  • 42:25 - I think there are people who believe in objective reality who still believe the Church is intolerant because they simply view the Catholic teaching as wrong. Does your argument take this belief into account?

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