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The Whys of Catholic Belief

We Catholics have a lot of doctrines. (It’s one of the things people criticize us for.) Karlo Broussard answers listener questions about the reasoning behind the doctrines we Catholics hold.

Questions Covered:

  • 14:31 - Why do we have Masses said for people who were given last rites? Also, have you heard the idea that praying for someone in Heaven could get them into a higher level of Heaven?
  • 23:52 - If you have a marriage outside the Catholic Church, why does it still have to be annulled? Isn’t is not a sacrament?
  • 34:50 - What gives the Catholic Church the authority to change the day of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?
  • 46:16 - I didn’t know Catholics teach predestination, what is the difference between the Catholic view and the Calvinist view? 
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