Questions Covered:
- 15:34 - I thought my 20 yr. old son understood the importance of only having sex within the sacrament of marriage. I recently learned he does not believe what the Church teaches about this. How do I evangelize to him about this?
- 29:24 - Why does a Catholic and Protestant couple need to get married in the Catholic Church?
- 32:20 - How does the relationship between Christ and the Church relate to the marriage between the marriage of a man & woman?
- 42:10 - Why aren’t couples required to take NFP classes to get married in the Catholic Church?
- 44:00 - When my parents got married and divorced they were both Protestant. Afterward, my mom became Catholic and received an annulment before she got remarried. Does my father need an annulment also?
- 46:50 - During a Catholic wedding why is there so much talk about future children and not on the love the couple has for each other?
- 49:45 - I am involved with a non-Catholic and we like each other a whole lot. Could we possibly get married?
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