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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 13:20 - What is the Church’s view on St. Padre Pio and his stigmata?
  • 18:28 - What exactly does the second commandment condemn?
  • 28:24 - Are lustful thoughts a mortal sin?
  • 30:40 - My wife was baptized and confirmed Catholic, but later converted and we married in the Episcopal Church. We believed it to be a sacramental marriage and did not understand she was still bound by the laws of the Catholic Church. We are in the process of having our marriage convalidated. Is our marriage seen any differently by the Church than if we were married in the Church initially?
  • 41:22 - Where do we get the list of first popes from and how are they validated?
  • 48:35 - I read your article on the Protestant ideas justification and sanctification. You mention mental assent versus heartfelt faith and I’d like to ask you about the differences between these ideas in terms of justification.


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