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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:34 - In your opinion, do you think the pope will allow married men to become priests?
  • 10:12 - Why is it okay to disperse the relics of saints, when the general teaching is that human remains are required to remain intact?
  • 18:56 - Is it true that priests aren’t allowed to marry because it costs the Church too much money?
  • 22:59 - My husband had a vasectomy several years ago and now he is wondering if he should have it reversed since he is now Catholic.
  • 27:31 - Does the Catholic Church believe Adam and Eve were real people?
  • 33:10 - I’d like to ask why I see a lack of uniformity between parishes as far as standing or kneeling during the transubstantiation moment. Also, why do we still have a need for extraordinary distributors, rather than leave this to the priests and deacons?
  • 42:05 - I am overwhelmed with all the apologetics and the well-trained speakers I hear on the radio. How do you start learning all of this? I want to get my kids on track with their faith and I don’t know where to start with becoming a better apologist.
  • 45:38 - What are the texts supporting the concept of purgatory?

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