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Father Vincent Serpa, Chaplain at Catholic Answers, takes questions of a pastoral nature in this hour devoted to the care of souls, growth in the spiritual life, and healthy relationships.

Questions Covered:

  • 13:43 - What is some general marriage advice you would give to young couples?
  • 16:45 - My elderly mom thinks going to Mass on any day of the week is sufficient for her Sunday obligation. How do I talk with her about this?
  • 20:30 - Can you explain the philosophy of the charismatic movement? Is it legitimate within the Church?
  • 28:10 - What is your advice about dealing with scruples especially after one has gone to confession?
  • 34:09 - Why do we use these words in the divine mercy chaplet, “I offer you the body, blood, soul, and divinity of your dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ”?
  • 42:35 - I want to return to the Catholic faith, but I was divorced. Where do I start?
  • 45:50 - My 87 year old father has never been baptized. He is also showing early signs of dementia. How do I talk to him about getting baptized?
  • 48:28 - If I say the rosary after daily Mass am I consecrating myself to Jesus through Mary?
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