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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 01:29 - How do I respond to challenges on the beginning of the book of Job? What does it imply between the relationship between God and Satan, if they are eternally separated?
  • 09:29 - What is the Church’s doctrine on original sin, and how can I explain it to someone?
  • 19:01 - I was baptized Catholic and raised by Lutherans. I went to catechism and was confirmed in the Lutheran church. I’m now married to a Catholic. Am I still okay in the Catholic Church, or do I need to continue studies in the Catholic Church?
  • 31:13 - If Jesus died on the cross for us, why is that not enough and why do we experience purgatory? What is the biblical reference that refers to purgatory? 
  • 42:54 - My sister is planning an outdoor wedding to a Catholic man who was previously married to a non-Catholic and has not received an annulment. She wants my children and me to participate in the ceremony. Is it okay to participate?
  • 49:33 - The catechism infers that marijuana is sinful. If a state and federal government made it legal, would the Church accept it, similar to how alcohol is accepted?

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