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Why Aren’t You Catholic?

We invite callers to explain why they are not Catholic, and then Trent Horn charitably discusses the issues callers have towards the Catholic faith.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:48 - How does Mary play a role in my salvation?
  • 14:15 - I am not Catholic because Catholics do not welcome everyone to the Eucharist.
  • 30:50 - I left the Church because my husband and I divorced and he won’t give me an annulment. I’m remarried outside the Church so I feel like an outcast.
  • 40:43 - I left the Catholic Church because God is not about religion he is about the heart. When I left he gave me his word in the bible and the Holy Spirit when I professed Jesus.
  • 49:50 -  I am not Catholic because I see God move in the Protestant Church.

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