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Father Vincent Serpa, Chaplain at Catholic Answers, takes questions of a pastoral nature in this hour devoted to the care of souls, growth in the spiritual life, and healthy relationships.

Questions Covered:

  • 11:30 - What is meant of “willful doubt” in an examination of conscience?
  • 15:32 - If I am introduced to a transgender person or a same-sex couple, do I address them how them way they want to be addressed or do I correct them?
  • 19:48 - Is the the Vatican II Novus Ordo Mass a legitimate mass or should I return to the Latin Mass?
  • 22:43 - How can the Church say that eating meat on Friday is mortally sinful during Lent?
  • 27:39 - I had my late son’s remains separated. Now I want them to be consolidated but the cemetery will not allow for this. What can I do? What does this mean morally for me since I allowed his remains to be separated?
  • 32:15 - My husband divorced me 14 yrs. ago against my wishes. Since then he has left the Catholic faith for a Protestant denomination. Now he wants to reconcile. Do I reconcile even though he is not Catholic anymore?
  • 38:50 - I believe it is God’s will that my most recent relationship has ended. How do I pray for my ex-boyfriend to grow in the faith and separate my romantic feelings?
  • 42:25 - How do I spiritually prepare myself to go on pilgrimage to Lourdes?
  • 44:10 - Why do I experience more community at Protestant churches than I do at Catholic churches? Is community not an important goal in the Catholic Church?
  • 47:41 - How do I respond when the topic of my cousin’s in-vitro procedure comes up in conversation?
  • 49:47 - What was meant when the Pope said it is better to an atheist than a bad Catholic?
  • 51:28 - There are divorced Eucharistic ministers at my church. Is that allowable?


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