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Open Forum

Tom Nash

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 08:21 - If you can’t make it to confession, but make a perfect act of contrition, can you receive Communion?
  • 15:43 - Is my marriage valid?
  • 22:14 - If there is a plane about to crash and a priest is on board, can he give everyone on board a group absolution?
  • 27:30 - If Jesus was sinless, how come he got tired and he also wept?
  • 31:05 - Didn’t Mary have a fallen nature like the rest of us?
  • 36:00 - If I’m a married Catholic why can’t I become a priest while a married Anglican or Orthodox Priest can convert to Catholicism and remain married?
  • 43:05 - How do I respond to my friend who thinks Vatican II contradicts the Council of Trent when it referred to Protestants as “separated brethren”?
  • 50:15 - How do we embrace crosses in our lives? Does it mean we can’t complain about them or try to improve those situations? How do we offer up good things as opposed to crosses? How do we do this?
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