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Stop Worrying and Start Living

Stop worrying and start living. Jesus, Himself, has instructed us to have no anxiety, so why are we still so anxious? Author and speaker Gary Zimak shares insights from his ministry to the worried, and offers help to those in need of the Lord’s peace.

Questions Covered:

  • 07:17 - I have many racehorses and constantly worry that it may not be God’s will that I keep these horses. I worry that maybe I’m gambling and perhaps God wants me to give more money  to the Church. I love doing this. What should I do?
  • 12:30 - My wife is a worrier, especially about finances. Do you have any advice for us?
  • 15:10 - My friend always stresses out about our current pope. How can I help him not worry so much about it?
  • 17:41 - I am a worrier and something that has helped me a lot is a parish program called Christ Renews His Parish.
  • 31:09 - I’m a disabled veteran with epilepsy. I was recently engaged but had to end my engagement because of the stress and anxiety.
  • 34:44 - Sometimes I worry and I just can’t let things go. Is there some prayer that will help?
  • 41:20 - I have this fear that I’ll never be able to learn enough to be a good Catholic. Do you have any advice for how I can balance this?
  • 43:15 - My fiance worries a lot about me leaving him. He has had people leave him in the past. How do I help him stop worrying that I will leave him?
  • 44:49 - How do I deal with anxiety when discerning my vocation?
  • 47:09 - I know someone who is a hypochondriac. How can I help this person?
  • 49:20 - Do you have material available for teens, or have a suggestion for a good resource for my daughter?
  • 50:41 - How do I deal with a child who worries a lot?

Resources Mentioned:

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