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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:51 - Can I get your take on Daniel 9:20-27? I’ve heard this is the prophecy of Jesus coming 500 years later. Is this what the Church teaches?
  • 11:49 - The bible does not mention the pope, cardinals or bishops. So why does the Catholic Church have these individuals in place?
  • 17:56 - Can you explain why the fasting between the Eastern and Western rites is different?
  • 21:50 - Is it appropriate to participate martial arts? I know there are concerns with practicing yoga.
  • 27:59 - What is the place in modern times for more extreme forms of mortification of the flesh?
  • 33:53 - Can you be saved without knowing it? Can God have a plan for your salvation without you being aware?
  • 42:23 - Why do different bibles have different translations? 
  • 49:45 - I’ve read through the catechism and still can’t make sense of what is correct as far as living wills and power of attorney.
  • 50:50 - To what extent is marijuana usage accepted by the Church?

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