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Open Forum for Non-Catholics

From those who oppose the Catholic Church to those who are thinking about entering, in this show, we take a break from talking with Catholics while David Anders answers questions about the Faith from non-Catholics.

Questions Covered:

  • 11:57 - Why don’t Catholics put more emphasis on reading scripture? 
  • 19:25 - I’ve been studying Catholicism and I am having trouble reconciling Purgatory. Can you explain Purgatory?
  • 35:12 - What does the Catholic Church teach about how to attain eternal salvation?
  • 41:59 - Is there a conflict with Marian appearances and what is said in those appearances and what Paul says in Galatians 1:8?
  • 48:00 - What is the Catholic position regarding the Gifts of the Spirit like speaking in tongues?
  • 50:50 - In reference to Foxes Book of Martyrs, why did the Catholic Church murder thousands of Christians?
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