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What Catholics and Protestants Can Learn from Each Other

Renowned philosopher and apologist Dr. Peter Kreeft joins us for an hour of conversation and questions about what Catholics and Protestants can learn from each other.

Questions Covered:

  • 13:14 - Protestant Theologian Karl Barth was called one of the best theologians since St. Thomas by Pope Pius XXII, why is that?
  • 14:58 - Would it be possible to have a joint Church with Protestants and Catholics so both could feel comfortable?
  • 18:34 - Is it good that there are different denominations because it keeps organization honest, and if people fall away, they’re still Catholic?
  • 28:50 - With Catholics having the fullness of the Truth, how can we learn from Protestants who are in error?
  • 31:31 - I’m protestant and I’ve read a bunch of Kreeft’s books, and I’d like to become Catholic, but my wife doesn’t want to go that way, what should I say?
  • 32:42 - When my Catholic kids are asked “are you Christian” how should they respond?
  • 35:40 - What do you think about the phrase, “in essentials, unity, in non-essentials, liberty, and in all things charity?”
  • 40:40 - What’s your view on the ban on married priests in the Western Rite?
  • 43:34 - I would like to explain what made the Eucharist real for me.
  • 45:23 - How common is speaking tongues in the Catholic faith. I’m a convert to Catholicism from Pentecostalism.
  • 50:48 - I often find that people who switch Churches often find Jesus. What do you think about this?
  • 52:26 - What is flaky and what is not flaky in the Charismatic movement?

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