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Jimmy Akin answers any question regarding Catholicism. This hour concludes the on air portion of our quarterly pledge drive. Become part of the team by donating to Catholic Answers Live at or by calling 888-291-8000. Thank you for all of your help and support. May God bless you.

Questions Covered:

  • 05:33 - Is there any historical evidence for Peter being the first pope, and where can I find resources?
  • 09:15 - I’m going through an annulment, after that can I marry someone who is not Catholic?
  • 19:21 - How do we know if something is infallible?
  • 30:43 - What kinds of blessings can the laity do? What is the definition of blessing? Is there hierarchy?
  • 38:12 - Do Catholics have an understanding of “Blessed Assuredness?”
  • 47:25 - The two witness are Elijah and Enoch, and they will attack the beast. What do you think about this?

Resources Mentioned:

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