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Tim Staples answers any question regarding Catholicism. We also continue with day two of our quarterly pledge drive. Become part of the team by donating to Catholic Answers Live at or by calling 888-291-8000. Thank you for all of your help and support. May God bless you.

Questions Covered:

  • 07:15 - Regarding creedal statements in oral traditions of the Church in the first century, if there is an oral tradition that has been accepted for thousands of years then is there anybody who can recite these alive today?
  • 12:31 - Why do we say at Mass that I have gravely sinned if we are supposed to be in a state of grace?
  • 21:12 - What is the Church’s stance on marijuana?
  • 34:23 - I have a caregiver at my house who is a Jehovah’s Witness and we get into discussions. Our hangup always come down to the translations of Greek and she said that our translations are wrong and the Greek that they use is correct. Can you give me some resources?
  • 42:30 - My father-in-law is of the opinion that man was created with a spiritual body in the first Genesis account of creation and then Adam was created in the second account. How do I address his opinion?
  • 46:55 - I am protestant and I was talking to some friends and the idea of indulgences came up. So what is the Church’s teaching on indulgences and what is the scriptural and historical basis for that teaching? What were the objections raised to that during the reformation?
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