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The Natural Law

Questions Covered:

  • 16:15 - With respect to natural law, how do you distinguish between grave sin and venial sin?
  • 20:52 - Is what is morally good commanded by God because it is morally good, or is it morally good because it’s commanded by God?
  • 31:17 - Is it the intellect that enables us to discern what’s in the natural law? Are we able to know right from wrong because of our intellect?
  • 34:08 - We are instructed to “honor thy father and thy mother”. My father divorced my mother and left her with us small children. He has never helped my mother or came back to us until we were adults. Now he wants us to care for him in his old age. How do I know what I am morally obligated to do?
  • 43:10 - How do you make a pro-life argument to a pro-choice individual by explaining their view as a disregard for the natural law?
  • 50:10 - With the understanding that there are right and wrong feelings, can you recommend some resources that elaborate on this line of thinking?
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