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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:41 - I’m disturbed with the change in the verbiage at the end of Psalm 23. I read the verse in missals as, “I will dwell in the house of the Lord for years to come”. This seems to dramatically change the promise of the psalm. Can you explain when and why this change happened?
  • 11:06 - The Old Testament says to remember the Sabbath day. Why has the Catholic Church abolished the Sabbath day and only follow 9 of the commandments?
  • 17:05 - My wife says when someone dies, they go to Heaven if they are able. I thought we were all waiting for final judgement. Which is correct?
  • 22:35 - When will Catholic Answers Live be on EWTN?
  • 28:05 - Can you clarify the second covenant established by Jesus during the last supper? How is it related to the first covenant?
  • 33:33 - I have a family member married outside the church. She does not receive the Eucharist since she acknowledges they are living in sin. Her husband is currently on deployment for several months with the military. If she goes to confession, can she receive communion while he is away?
  • 41:08 - Why are so many books taken out of the King James Bible, and then additional books in the Catholic Bible? How do we know what we are reading is the actual word of God. My son believes in God, but feels humans have messed the Bible up so much that it’s no longer the true word of God. How do I explain this to him?
  • 48:20 - I’m drawn to the idea of a devotion to Mary. I don’t quite understand it though. What are some of the reasons to specifically be consecrated to her?

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