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Which Catholic Doctrine Troubles You?

Do you have a Catholic doctrine or maybe a few Catholic doctrines that you struggle with? Karlo Broussard invites callers to share their doctrinal road-blocks to Catholic Faith. 

Questions Covered:

  • 03:58 - Jesus wasn’t in the tomb for a full three days and three nights, so why did he say he will rise again in three days?
  • 15:12 - Christ says unless you eat my body and drink my blood, but some Catholics only receive the host and not drink the wine. Is this a contradiction to Christ?
  • 19:21 - What would be an example of a venial sin?
  • 28:27 - What is the difference between praying to the saints and praying with the saints? Is Mary omnipresent?
  • 35:47 - Why do Catholics worship idols? The bible clearly says that we shouldn’t worship idols.
  • 42:20 - Do Catholics really believe that Mary was sinless? Does the priest really have the power to turn bread and wine into Body and Blood of Christ?
  • 49:50 - What is Natural Family Planning and why should I practice it? It seems like the better thing to do is engage in intercourse and let God do whatever he wants, baby or no baby.

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