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Christ-like Relationships

Even if we know God’s way is better than ours, it can be hard to be Christ-like in how we relate to others. Rose Sweet shares insights on following Christ even in our most intimate relationships.

Questions and topics Covered:

  • 12:14 - My husband and I have had a long, good marriage. He’s been ill for several years and is currently in the hospital. I feel such a weight and so sad. I often want to run away, and feel guilty for it. I don’t feel Christ-like, but it so much to handle. Is there any way to find some healing and strength?
  • 20:35 - What do I do if my wife doesn’t want to practice natural family planning?
  • 23:05 - I’m a widowed Catholic. I’ve heard it is okay to marry non-Catholics. Does this include divorced non-Catholics? They are not raised with the same moral values as Catholics?
  • 30:30 - You were discussing relationships and suffering. In my teens I’d think about what I wanted in a husband, and this included someone who loved God and could stand on his own two feet. I also wondered at a young age about what if my husband was sick. My husband has been sick, but we have carried our crosses and love each other.
  • 34:48 - My middle child is giving me a lot of trouble. He is 9 years old. I’m looking for resources to help keep my calm and guide him.
  • 41:44 -  – I have trouble forming relationships with any male human since I am an asexual male. Either my parents judge me for activities I don’t do or either people label my male-to-male friendships as scandalous. My life is terrible. What should I do? Am I called for a life of solitude? Live in mountains alone, and eventually die alone too?
  • 44:55 - Jesus never got married. He was married to the Church. I suppose everyone should have a soulmate. What would be Jesus’ take be on this idea?
  • 46:56 - I wanted to comment that if you are faithful enough, a full life can be lived as a single adult.
  • 49:25 - My daughter is divorced and reluctant to get an annulment. I’m trying to find some insight into why people would have this reluctant view towards annulments. I want to see her move on. What can I do or say?

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