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Father Vincent Serpa, Chaplain at Catholic Answers, takes questions of a pastoral nature in this hour devoted to the care of souls, growth in the spiritual life, and healthy relationships.

Questions Covered:

  • 12:55 - What constituents a near occasion of sin?
  • 15:54 - Is referring to the Blessed Mother as the “spouse of the Holy Spirit” based on scripture?
  • 19:50 -  If you feel guilty after you have gone to confession, what does that mean?
  • 21:24 - If we committed mortal sin and we try to go to confession, but do not arrive in time, and Mass is immediately after confession, can we receive communion if we have all intention of going to confession at the next opportunity?
  • 28:18 - I want to ask about praying novenas for certain intentions and then your intentions are not realized. How does this relate to being told, “ask and you shall receive”? I know we are to trust in God’s will. Can you help me with understanding?
  • 33:50 - Is prayer a solo activity or would you encourage husband. wife, and family to pray together?
  • 35:27 -  In scripture Jesus tells the apostles “go out and get a sword…”, and then in the garden Peter pulls a sword and Jesus told him to put it away. What exactly is Jesus instructing in this passage?
  • 40:20 - My mother was previously married, and later divorced. She is now married to my father. She wants to come back to the Church and was told she could not go to confession. What does the Church teach? Is this correct?
  • 43:47 - How can I strengthen my faith with my husband being skeptical in the faith?
  • 46:50 - If a person is dying, hasn’t been to church for a while, and asks for a priest, but the priest arrived after she had slipped into a coma, what happens since she was not able to make a final confession?
  • 48:30 - What would you advise someone who is dating someone that is more of a cultural Catholic than a spiritual Catholic?

Resources Mentioned:


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